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Build a bridge.

Bridge is a community that set out to unite groups that have difficulty in finding each other for the well-being of our planet and the whole, and to expand the area of social benefit and activity produced. While the bridge offers a meeting place on the social digital network, it also offers access to an extensive network of mentors/coaches/advisors/facilitators and spiritual trainers to support new organizations and individuals.

Founding Members


our vision

To bring the level of social consciousness closer to the consciousness of Oneness and to realize the potential of PARADISE ON EARTH for the good of all life on our planet.


Our Mission

By building bridges between individuals/organizations who have developed social awareness, who are aware of being ONE with nature, who have internalized the New World vision and values, creating a wide variety of cooperation potentials with the digital social platform, ecosystem actors such as consultancy/coaching/mentoring etc. support with services.

United Nations Sustainability Goals we support

Köprü Project puts the United Nations Sustainability Goals at its center in order to create an environment that will enable the seeds of all good ideas to grow on this land, while providing an opportunity to lay the foundations of projects that will serve the benefit of our world and all humanity.

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The Four States of Good...

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Çeşitlilik, tüm farklılıklarımızı ifade eden bir zenginliktir. Amacımız platformumuzda, fark gözetmeksizin herkesin kendini değerli hissettiği ve karar alma süreçlerinde aktif olarak yer aldığı bir kültür yaratmaktır. Köprü Project logosundaki sarı renk ise toprak elementini temsil eder ve “Çeşitlilik” ilkesini çağrıştırır.

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Dönüştürücülük, yaşamın iyilik hali için değiştirip geliştiren bir güçtür. Köprü Project, kişisel dönüşüme inanmış bireylerin; sistemleri ve toplumu, dünyamıza ve üzerindeki yaşama katkı sunarak dönüştürebileceğine inanır. Köprü Project logosundaki kırmızı renk, ateş elementini temsil eder ve “Dönüştürücülük” ilkesini çağrıştırır.  

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Kolaylaştırıcılık, ortak çalışma alanlarını ilerleten bir çalışma sürecidir.
Köprü Project; tüm sosyal fayda projelerinin akışta olduğu, bireyler ve girişimciler için kolaylaştırıcıların eğitim sunma ve network hizmetinin sorunsuz bir şekilde devam etmesi için çalışır. Köprü Project logosundaki yeşil renk, su elementini temsil eder ve “Kolaylaştırıcılık” ilkesini çağrıştırır.

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Kapsayıcılık, toplumsal değer yaratmak hedefiyle bir araya gelmiş farklı kimlikleri, fikirleri zenginlik olarak gören, gözeten bir yaklaşımdır.  Köprü Project, iyilik ve fayda temelinde tüm perspektiflere saygı duyar ve katkısına inanır. Köprü Project logosundaki mavi renk, hava elementini temsil eder ve “Kapsayıcılık” ilkesini çağrıştırır.


Our Values

couple sitting on the field facing the c


To know that the universe is made of LOVE and to be able to reveal this LOVE potential in every person and everything.

A Unity..._edited.jpg


Knowing that everything that was / is / will exist in the universe comes from a single Self, to feel that every being is interconnected

Image by Kelly Sikkema


Allowing every person and thing to BE, respecting its absolute state of being.

Image by Keegan Houser


Believing that everything is as it should be and staying in harmony with the flow. The ability to go beyond a personal justice system.

Office Meeting


Respect for the infinite variation of manifestations of the universe by life.

Image by Grant Ritchie


The right of living beings to use their personal will power brought by creation

Image by Amy Hirschi


Everyone is natural, creative and has resources. Everything is both right / wrong. Respecting the process and co-creating is essential.

Image by Aditya Chinchure


It symbolizes the transition to the neutral perception level, the exit from duality. There is no good or bad. There is what is. (5th Dimension represents the level of perception. Human consciousness is currently in its infancy)



Unlike pluralist democracy, it aims at social peace with the method of "discussion, reconciliation and problem solving".

Taze çilekler

Abundance Consciousness

There are ample resources in the universe for everyone and everything. Sharing increases abundance and raises well-being. It serves to clear the blockages and control energy from the world caused by the scarcity consciousness in our heads.

Çizim Yapan Öğrenci


Revealing the Self of God in man

Image by Windows


Creating masses by combining similar or compatible individuals and groups that can create a great synergy when they come together, the ability to organize

Image by Chang Duong


Every living thing has the right to live for the time determined for it by the divine flow. In this lifetime, every asset is equally valuable and valuable. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the rights of everyone and everything are respected in the structures to be established. NATURE is one of these creatures. This value rejects the classical hierarchy. He dreams of a system where everyone is their own leader. Nothing can be done for those who willingly surrender even their own power to someone else.

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